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The Haunted Bunk House

This location is Mintal, Tugbok, Davao City. DPS has heard that the so called White House Mansion in that area was very haunted. We did an investigation of the place and found out later that the caretakers house which is called a bunk house has more active paranormal activity then that of the White House. The wife stated that she was choked by an unseen force while sleeping on the 2nd floor bedroom. She then said the Lords Prayer out loud and she was released. They also said that using cuss words or just being noisy makes the spirit agitated. On one of our videos, you can clearly hear the spirit tell us to Get Out.

They now sleep on the 1st floor since they are scared to go up the 2nd floor. They still hear footsteps and disemboweled voices upstairs during the night.

The White House

The Bunk House

Ghostly pictures

These two videos will soon be translated to English.

Our morning investigation on the 2nd floor

The Evening Investigation

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